How to oil your hair without losing hair?


Hair oiling is the practice of pouring oil onto hair and massaging it into the scalp to increase moisture, lustre, and shine. Hair oiling may soften the hair and provide vitamins and minerals that get stripped from frequent washing.

This practice has been used in India for centuries and is recommended in Ayurvedic medicine.

Hair oiling has spread beyond Ayurvedic practices, and many use it to maintain the health and vibrancy of their hair. It may even reduce hair loss, according to some experts.

There are also specific techniques for hair oiling, as well as different oil types you can use to get particular benefits.


How to oil your hair?

Massaging the oil into the scalp increases blood circulation, which may improve hair growth. Applying oil to the scalp may also prevent dandruff.

Follow these steps to give hair oiling a try:

  1. Apply oil on your scalp and massage with  fingertips using a circular motion.
  2. Apply the oil left on your palms to your hair.
  3. Cover with a towel or shower cap and leave on overnight.
  4. The next day, shampoo hair while dry. Rinse thoroughly.
  5. Condition as normal. You can also use coconut oil as a conditioner.


Mistakes To Avoid While Oiling Your Hair


1. Don’t Comb Your Hair Right After Oiling It

Your hair is vulnerable to breakage at this point as your scalp is relaxed. Oil can weigh your hair down and combing your hair right after oiling it will only cause it to break.

2. Don’t Wash Too Soon

Getting rid of all the excess oil is important, but not too soon! Allow the oil to sit on your scalp for at least one hour. This lets the oil penetrate through the follicles and nourish your scalp.

3. Don’t Overuse The Oil

Applying too much oil to your hair means you’d have to use extra shampoo to wash it off. This will strip away your hair’s natural oils along with the excess oil you are attempting to get off.

4. Don’t Tie Your Hair Up

Tying your hair up can make your hair prone to breakage. Your hair is in a vulnerable state and is already weighed down by the oil. Tying up your hair will only result in breakage.

5. Don’t Wrap With A Towel

Towels are rough and can break your hair when it is soaked in oil. Use a warm plain cotton cloth or shirt instead.

6. Don’t Massage Too Vigorously

Massaging your scalp too fast or vigorously can break your hair. Massaging your scalp gently in circular motions is the right way to go about it.

7. Don’t Overuse Your Shampoo

Washing off all the excess oil is important. A lot of us tend to overuse our shampoo in an attempt to get rid of the excess oil. Using too much shampoo on your hair can remove its natural oils and cause more harm than good.